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Instant Pot Couscous Recipe: Simple & Delicious Instant Pot Couscous Recipe: Simple & Delicious


Instant Pot Couscous Recipe: Simple & Delicious

Written by: Emily Smith

This couscous recipe is my go-to for a quick, flavorful side dish. Just toss everything in the instant pot, and voila! Fluffy, perfectly cooked couscous every time. Love it!

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Boy, do I have a treat for you today! We're making couscous in the instant pot, and trust me, it's as easy as pie. With simple ingredients and just a few steps, this recipe is perfect for those busy weeknights. Imagine light, fluffy grains, seasoned to perfection, hot from the pot and ready in minutes. Sounds good, right? Let's get cooking!

Ingredients for Delicious Instant Pot Couscous

  • Couscous: Quick-cooking grain, absorbs flavors well, adds texture and bulk to the dish, perfect for a speedy meal.
  • Vegetable or chicken broth: Infuses depth of flavor, adds moisture, enhances the overall taste, provides a savory base for the couscous.
  • Olive oil: Adds richness and a hint of fruity flavor, prevents sticking, contributes to the overall mouthfeel of the dish.

Essential Tools for Making Couscous in the Instant Pot

  • Instant Pot: Essential for pressure cooking the couscous quickly and efficiently.
  • Measuring cup: Needed to accurately measure the couscous and broth for the perfect ratio.

Instant Pot Couscous Recipe: Simple & Delicious

This Instant Pot Couscous recipe is a quick and easy way to prepare a delicious side dish. Perfect for busy weeknights, it takes only 10 minutes from start to finish.
Prep Time 5 mins
Cook Time 5 mins
Total Time 10 mins
Course Side Dish
Cuisine Mediterranean
Servings 4 servings
Calories 220 kcal


  • Instant Pot


General Ingredients

  • 1 cup couscous
  • 1 cup vegetable or chicken broth
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • to taste Salt and pepper
  • Optional chopped fresh herbs for garnish


  • Pour couscous into the Instant Pot.
  • Add broth, olive oil, salt, and pepper. Stir to combine.
  • Close the lid, set the valve to sealing, and cook on high pressure for 5 minutes.
  • Once done, allow for a natural pressure release for 5 minutes, then quick release any remaining pressure.
  • Fluff the couscous with a fork and serve hot, garnished with fresh herbs if desired.


Feel free to customize this recipe by adding your favorite vegetables or proteins.

Nutrition value:

Calories: 220kcalCarbohydrates: 38gProtein: 6gFat: 4gSaturated Fat: 1gSodium: 300mgPotassium: 100mgFiber: 2gCalcium: 20mgIron: 1mg


Keyword Couscous, Instant Pot, Quick Recipe
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Can You Make Instant Pot Couscous Ahead of Time?

Make Ahead Instructions

  • Cook the couscous according to the recipe.
  • Allow the couscous to cool completely.
  • Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

Freezing Instructions

  • Cook the couscous according to the recipe.
  • Allow the couscous to cool completely.
  • Place in a freezer-safe container or bag, removing as much air as possible.
  • Freeze for up to 3 months.
  • Thaw in the refrigerator before reheating.

Couscous is actually a type of pasta, not a grain, made from semolina flour.

Common Questions About Making Couscous in the Instant Pot

Is instant pot couscous easy to make?
Yes, it's incredibly easy and quick to make in the instant pot.
Can I use water instead of broth?
Yes, you can use water instead of broth, but using broth adds more flavor to the couscous.
How can I customize this recipe?
You can customize this recipe by adding in your favorite herbs, spices, or vegetables to the couscous before cooking.
Can I make this recipe ahead of time?
Yes, you can make this couscous ahead of time and reheat it when ready to serve.
Is couscous gluten-free?
Couscous is not gluten-free as it is made from semolina, which is a form of wheat.

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