Home>Recipe>Pressure Cooker Pork Loin Recipe: Juicy & Tender

Pressure Cooker Pork Loin Recipe: Juicy & Tender Pressure Cooker Pork Loin Recipe: Juicy & Tender


Pressure Cooker Pork Loin Recipe: Juicy & Tender

Written by: Emily Smith

This pressure cooker pork loin recipe is my go-to for a juicy, flavorful dinner. Just season, pressure cook, and voila! A mouthwatering meal that never fails to impress.

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Let's whisk off on a culinary adventure! I'll share my pressure cooker pork loin recipe, that's a real treat for all meat lovers. Simple, succulent, and packed with flavors, it's a perfect family favorite. Seasoned just right and cooked tender in a pressure cooker, this pork loin will have everyone at your table asking for seconds. Trust me, you won't regret trying this recipe out!

Ingredients for Pressure Cooker Pork Loin

  • Pork loin: Tender and flavorful cut of meat that cooks well under pressure, resulting in juicy and succulent pork.
  • Chicken broth: Adds depth of flavor and moisture to the pork loin while infusing it with savory notes during cooking.

Essential Tools for Making Pork Loin in a Pressure Cooker

  • Pressure cooker: Speeds up cooking time and helps tenderize the pork loin efficiently.
  • Tongs: Essential for safely handling the hot pork loin when placing it in and removing it from the pressure cooker.

Pressure Cooker Pork Loin Recipe: Juicy & Tender

This Pressure Cooker Pork Loin Recipe is perfect for a quick and delicious meal. The pork loin is seasoned with garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, salt, and pepper, and cooked to perfection in a pressure cooker.
Prep Time 10 mins
Cook Time 40 mins
Total Time 50 mins
Course Main Course
Cuisine American
Servings 4 servings
Calories 300 kcal


  • Pressure Cooker
  • Measuring Cup
  • Knife
  • Cutting board


Main Ingredients

  • 2 lb pork loin
  • 1 cup chicken broth
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 tsp onion powder
  • 1 tsp paprika
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • Season the pork loin with garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, salt, and pepper.
  • Pour chicken broth into the pressure cooker.
  • Place the seasoned pork loin into the pressure cooker.
  • Close the lid and set the pressure cooker to high pressure for 30 minutes.
  • Allow natural pressure release for 10 minutes before quick releasing any remaining pressure.
  • Remove the pork loin from the pressure cooker and let it rest for 5 minutes before slicing.
  • Serve and enjoy!


For an extra touch, you can sear the pork loin in a hot pan before placing it in the pressure cooker to add a nice crust.

Nutrition value:

Calories: 300kcalCarbohydrates: 2gProtein: 40gFat: 14gSaturated Fat: 5gCholesterol: 120mgSodium: 400mgPotassium: 500mgVitamin A: 50IUVitamin C: 2mgCalcium: 20mgIron: 2mg


Keyword Juicy, Pork Loin, Pressure Cooker, Tender
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Tips for Making Pork Loin Ahead of Time or Freezing

Make Ahead Instructions

  • Cook the pork loin according to the recipe instructions.
  • Let the cooked pork loin cool to room temperature.
  • Slice the pork loin into desired portions.
  • Store the sliced pork loin in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

Freezing Instructions

  • Cook the pork loin according to the recipe instructions.
  • Allow the cooked pork loin to cool completely.
  • Wrap the whole pork loin or sliced portions tightly in plastic wrap and then aluminum foil.
  • Place the wrapped pork loin in a freezer-safe bag or container.
  • Label the bag or container with the date.
  • Freeze for up to 3 months.
  • Thaw in the refrigerator before reheating.

When cooking a pork loin in a pressure cooker, adding a splash of apple cider vinegar to the chicken broth can enhance the flavor and tenderness of the meat.

Common Questions About Cooking Pork Loin in a Pressure Cooker

Can I use a different cut of pork for this recipe?
Yes, you can use other cuts like pork shoulder or pork tenderloin, but adjust the cooking time accordingly.
Do I need to sear the pork loin before pressure cooking?
Searing the pork loin before pressure cooking can enhance the flavor, but it's not necessary for this recipe.
Can I add vegetables to cook along with the pork loin?
You can add vegetables like potatoes, carrots, or onions to cook along with the pork loin for a complete meal.
How can I make a gravy from the cooking liquid?
To make a gravy, you can thicken the cooking liquid with a cornstarch slurry or flour and butter mixture on the stovetop.
How should I store any leftover pork loin?
Store any leftover pork loin in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days.

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