Home>Recipe>Instant Pot Broccoli Recipe: Simple & Delicious

Instant Pot Broccoli Recipe: Simple & Delicious Instant Pot Broccoli Recipe: Simple & Delicious


Instant Pot Broccoli Recipe: Simple & Delicious

Written by: Lucas Johnson

This Instant Pot Broccoli Delight is my go-to for a quick, healthy side. Just toss in broccoli, add water, season, and cook for a minute. Voila, perfectly steamed broccoli every time!

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Here's my secret, shared just between us - nothing beats Instant Pot Broccoli Delight! Quick, easy, bursting with flavor; this dish is my go-to move when pressed for time. Nutritious, bright green broccoli, perfectly steamed, will woo the broccoli skeptic in your household. Salt, pepper, and water - that's all it takes to magic up this side dish! Trust me, one taste and you'll add this to your favorites.

Ingredients for Instant Pot Broccoli Delight

  • Broccoli: Crucial for the dish, broccoli adds a vibrant color and a healthy crunch, making it the star ingredient.
  • Water: Provides the necessary moisture for cooking the broccoli in the instant pot, ensuring a perfectly steamed result.

Kitchen Tools Required

  • Instant Pot: Essential for pressure cooking the broccoli quickly while retaining its nutrients and vibrant green color.
  • Steamer basket: Helps to steam the broccoli evenly and prevents it from getting mushy or overcooked.

Instant Pot Broccoli Recipe: Simple & Delicious

This Instant Pot Broccoli recipe is quick, easy, and delicious. Perfect as a healthy side dish for any meal.
Prep Time 5 mins
Cook Time 1 min
Total Time 6 mins
Course Side Dish
Cuisine American
Servings 4 servings
Calories 45 kcal


  • Instant Pot


Main Ingredients

  • 1 pound broccoli florets
  • 1/2 cup water
  • to taste Salt and pepper


  • Place the broccoli florets in the Instant Pot.
  • Add water and season with salt and pepper.
  • Close the lid, set the valve to sealing, and cook on high pressure for 1 minute.
  • Quick release the pressure and carefully open the lid.
  • Serve the broccoli hot as a side dish.

Nutrition value:

Calories: 45kcalCarbohydrates: 9gProtein: 3gFat: 0.5gSodium: 40mgPotassium: 460mgFiber: 4gSugar: 2gVitamin A: 570IUVitamin C: 135mgCalcium: 70mgIron: 1mg


Keyword Broccoli, Healthy, Instant Pot
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Prep Now, Enjoy Later: Make-Ahead Tips

Make Ahead Instructions

  • Cook the broccoli as directed in the recipe.
  • Let the broccoli cool completely.
  • Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

Freezing Instructions

  • Cook the broccoli as directed in the recipe.
  • Allow the broccoli to cool completely.
  • Place in a freezer-safe container or bag, removing as much air as possible.
  • Freeze for up to 3 months.

Broccoli is a great source of vitamin K, which is essential for bone health and blood clotting.

Common Questions About This Instant Pot Recipe

How long does it take to cook instant pot broccoli delight?
Cooking instant pot broccoli delight takes just 1 minute under high pressure.
Can I add other vegetables to this recipe?
Yes, you can customize this recipe by adding other vegetables like carrots or cauliflower.
Is it necessary to quick release the pressure after cooking?
Yes, quick releasing the pressure is important to prevent the broccoli from overcooking.
Can I use frozen broccoli for this recipe?
Yes, you can use frozen broccoli, but adjust the cooking time accordingly.
How should I store any leftovers?
Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

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