Accessibility Statement

We’re on a mission to make Home Pressure Cooking accessible to everyone. This page outlines our efforts to ensure our website can be enjoyed by all, regardless of ability.


Our commitment to digital accessibility is unwavering. We strive to provide a welcoming online environment that can be easily navigated and used by as wide an audience as possible.

Efforts for Accessibility

We’re actively working to increase the accessibility and usability of our site. This includes consulting with accessibility experts and implementing their recommendations to make our content more accessible. Our team is dedicated to continually enhancing accessibility by following current best practices.

Known Limitations

We’re aware that some parts of our website may not be fully accessible to everyone. Addressing these issues is a top priority, and we’re committed to finding solutions that provide all users with the same level of access.

Compatibility with Browsers and Assistive Technology

Our website is designed to be compatible with recent versions of major web browsers and assistive technologies. However, older browsers may not support all the features necessary for a fully accessible experience.

Feedback and Contact Information

Your feedback is crucial in helping us improve our website’s accessibility. If you encounter any accessibility barriers, please let us know. Please contact us with your concerns or suggestions. We value your input and are here to listen and make improvements based on your feedback.

Continuous Improvement

Accessibility is a journey, not a destination. We’re committed to ongoing improvement and regularly review our website to ensure we meet or exceed accessibility standards.

External Links and Third-Party Content

Our website may link to external sites not operated by us. We cannot guarantee the accessibility of third-party content, but we encourage those sites to provide accessible experiences.

Legal Compliance

We aim to not only meet but exceed legal requirements for accessibility. Our efforts are guided by a desire to provide an inclusive experience for all our users.